Salute to Veterans Ceremony & Groundbreaking

November 11, 2024

Marketing & Strategic Communications

Palo Alto College (PAC) hosted a heartfelt Salute to Veterans event on Monday, November 11. The event honored the bravery and sacrifices of those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces and celebrated the groundbreaking of PAC’s new Veteran’s Center.

The ceremony featured keynote speaker Shoshana Nyree Johnson, the first Black female prisoner of war in U.S. military history. Thanks to the generosity of community partner USAA, Johnson shared her remarkable story of resilience and strength in the face of adversity, serving as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by veterans who have answered the call to serve their nation. Johnson’s words resonated deeply with all those in attendance, offering a moment of reflection and inspiration.

“Veterans Day serves as a reminder to show appreciation for our more than 17 million veterans, said Chuck Bunch, Military Affairs relationship director at USAA. “Stories like Shoshanna’s help Americans better understand the experiences of our veterans and give reason to be proud and thankful for their service to our country.”

Following the inspiring ceremony, Palo Alto College broke ground on a new Veterans Center dedicated to providing veteran students with essential support and resources for academic and personal success. Located adjacent to the Natatorium, Wellness, and Multigenerational Center, which is currently undergoing renovations, the Palo Alto College Veterans Center will be a home away from home for military veteran students. The center will house all veteran-specific support services, quiet study spaces, recreational areas, and communal areas to hold events and will also be utilized to host community training and events.​

“At Palo Alto College, we are deeply committed to honoring the sacrifices of our veterans and empowering the next generation of service members, shares Dr. Robert Garza, President of Palo Alto College. “We believe in opening doors for our community and creating pathways to a brighter future. With these new spaces and initiatives, we hope to honor the sacrifices of those who have served our nation and empower new generations to take charge of their futures as we work toward our mission of ending poverty through education.”

A long-time supporter of military and military-affiliated students, Palo Alto College was awarded the Gold Veterans Education Excellence Recognition Award for the fourth consecutive year. This is the highest honor, recognizing exceptional dedication to creating a veteran-friendly campus environment.

For more information about the Veterans Center, please visit the Capital Improvement Projects website at